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7 Super Useful GruntJS Plugins for Developers

If you are a developer who has made up his/her mind to make use of GruntJS into your workflow, GruntJS is a task-based command line tool that automates various processes. All as a user, you got to understand the basic configuration and make optimum use of Grunt for ensuring workflow automation.

Today, for all you developers out there we have come up with the list of superb useful and best GruntJS plugins that promise to provide a consistent interface for configuring. With these plugins users can leverage Grunt.js to script away all of their grunt work. Take a look at some of the really helpful plugins best GruntJS Plugins.

1. Grunt-Contrib-Uglify

Grunt-contrib-uglify is a plugin developed with the clear aim to minify, or uglify the code that’s the removal of whitespace from a file. The plugin plays a vital role in development for the fact that minification is a huge part of the development as whitespace can leave a negative impression on the viewers.


2. Grunt-Contrib-Concat

Grunt Contrib Concat is a plugin that helps in consolidating or concatenating all the codes into one singe file which enables users to break up their code for easing down the entire process.


3. Grunt-Express-Server

Grunt-Express-Server is a plugin that automates the entire process of starting a server. Users can easily configure to run depending on what type of environment one is operating in.


4. Grunt-Wiredep

Built on top of the wiredep (that’s a node module for wiring bower dependencies into different project), this Grunt plugin that injects libraries downloaded from bower into the index.html file in the most appropriate order to eliminate the risk of any issue that might create problem.

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5. Grunt-Contrib-Watch

This plugin named Grunt-Contrib-Watch serves as an important tool for development. What it does is that it watches over specific files for changes inside the project directory. It runs specific tasks depending on the file name that is personally configured in their grunt file.


6. Grunt-Contrib-Compass

Here is a Grunt plug-in for Compass. With it users can configure Grunt for watching their Sass files for various kinds of changes. What Grunt does is that it compiles the Sass files to CSS format once the changes are made. Besides, users can easily configure the plug-in to generate Source Maps.


7. Grunt-Contrib-Cssmin

Contrib-Cssmin plugin compresses any CSS code inside the application for optimizing the overall performance of the page.


If you wish to add any Gruntjs Plugin with us and your fellow developers, you can do so by dropping in your comments below. Do let us know any of the best GruntJS plugins you have developed and we will feature in our article.

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