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10 Awesome Podcasts to Help you Learn UX

Podcasts are the great source of enhancing the knowledge as these provide oodles of information in quite an interactive manner. Now a days more and more number of websites are being introduced with the aim to help people the best way through informative podcasts.

Coming to the topic of the day, UX is one topic that is not easy to learn, but then also not the hard nut to crack. With a little help from here and there in whichever form one can learn UX easily. We have previously come up with tips to become UX leader, which we hope was useful and informative.

Here we are today once again with the topic that revolves around UX, but then dedicated to the best UX podcasts that promise to help users with the best know-how in an easy way. Check out the list of best UX Podcasts that we have hand-picked for today to let you all learn UX as easily as you could.

1. UX Discovery Session

Gerard Dolan is the host of UX Discovery Session who interviews prominent people in the UX field which is how users get to learn about a relevant topic, generate ideas that expand a new technique or practice or brainstorm concepts and ideas for the next new thing.”

2. The Dirt Show

This podcast is hosted by the team behind the UX design agency named Fresh Tilled Soil. There are different topics that are covered here. The best part is that some of them follow a mini-series format with number of episodes and different guests talking about the same topic.

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3. Brain Sparks

Brain Sparks is a podcast that is hosted by usability and UI design expert Jared Spool. It offers knowledgeable stuff that and insights on usability, UX design, and UI design.

4. IncrementalUX podcast

This is a podcast that lets users learn UX design techniques from some of the best minds in the industry thereby helping you master the UX.

5. UX Mastery Podcast

This is a website that comprises of a lot of useful articles and content related to user experience design.

6. UX Podcast

The UX Podcast broadcasts every other week and includes high-quality content. The key articles are the ones that are trending and there are discussions on the implications of the ideas presented in the articles.

7. UX Pod

The UX Pod hasn’t released any new podcast episode since late-2014. However, it’s still a treasure trove of information. If you are new to UX, this podcast will prove to be of great help.

8. UX Radio

This is one is a podcast about information architecture (IA), UX, and design that is worth checking out and sparing time on.

9. The UX Intern

In this podcast there are 12 episodes that feature an all-star cast of best-selling authors and speakers in the UX industry.

10. UX & Growth

UX & Growth is the recently introduced pod-cast that focuses on how start-ups can leverage UX for helping in growth of their company. There are ton of high-quality content and good discussions around topics surrounding UX design.

I am definitely not going to ask which podcast you liked the most as I believe each one is best and one of its kind. We would be glad if the data we provide here proves to be of help and great use and we hope these best UX podcasts served the purpose.

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