List of best jQuery plugins of the week was the idea that struck our mind when we were thing of different ways we can implement to help our designer and developer friends. Last week we came up with the first such kind of compilation that we hope was useful for all those of you looking for the right kind of jQuery plugins.
Here is our yet another similar kind of plugin that we believe too will prove to be helpful and you all get the apt plugin to use in your current project or the upcoming one. These useful jQuery plugins are selected on the basis of the ease they promise to provide and utilitarian function.
Before we finally begin with our compilation for this week, how about checking the Best jQuery Plugins of the Week [15th November – 21st November] list. Okay, now sit back to enjoy our list of best jQuery plugin of this week.
1. jQuery DrawSVG
DrawSVG is a lightweight and easy to use jQuery plugin that helps in animating SVG paths. The plugin weights less than 2KB minified and 800 bytes zipped, its easy to use and is free to download.
2. DateTime Picker
Its a responsive dateTime picker that is a quick, highly customizable jQuery plugin. It is clutter free and well suited for embedding it into mobile application development.
Demo | Download
3. PRMenu
prmenu is one lightweight, responsive menu plugin for jQuery. It provides a menu with links evenly distributed across the width of menu container.
Demo | Download
4. jSlider
jSlider is an advanced jQuery slider plugin that is developed with the clear aim to let users embed a full feature slider on their website easily and speedily. There is no need to write complicated scripts to make the slider run, jSlider is here to ease your job.
5. Searchable Option List
This is a jquery plugin for a searchable option list
6. Cropper
Cropper is a simple jQuery image cropping plugin.
7. jQuery King Table
King Table is a jQuery plugin for administrative tables that can build themselves, on the basis of the input data.
Demo | Download
8. Device Appropriate Image Deliverer
Device Appropriate Image Deliverer. The name says it all. Its a jQuery plugin that helps in delivering a device appropriate version of an image in a lightbox using CSS and JavaScript.
9. TwentyTwenty
jQuery Plugin that is developed to help users in comparing images and using the best one.
10. Keyboard
This is an on-screen virtual keyboard embedded plugin within the browser window which will popup when a specified entry field is focused. The user can type and preview their input before accepting or cancelling with the help of this smart plugin. In all it is a jQuery on-screen keyboard plugin that works in the browser.
Demo | Download
Have any suggestions, reviews or anything else to add, drop in your comments in the section provided below.