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Fresh Tools of the Week [14th November – 20th November]

Tools, apps, software that all together fall in the category of useful resources have become the important part of designers’ and developers’ life. AT one point or the other when they get stuck in between handling various kind of projects, they start their search of apt tool that will help them solve the purpose. At times their search ends soon, while at other times it might continue for long which is definitely a bugging thing to do.

To help our designer and developer friends in their different projects handling we have planned to come up with the weekly and monthly compilations of various helpful resources. In our lists we carefully select the useful tools, apps and websites that have been created with the aim to solve particular purposes. Below is our this week’s list of the same. Check it out.

1. FormSwift

With freelancing becoming the options of many, one of the major problem that arises is that of creating the documents and signing them online. FormSwift is a tool that is created with the aim to help users prepare the documents with ease and sign them or get them signed by the clients without any fuss.

2. NavNav

NavNav is a one stop destination for tons of CSS, jQuery and JavaScript responsive navigation examples, demos, tutorials and much more from all over the web which definitely is going to be of useful for all those of you seeking help.

3. Dropify

With Dropify you can override your input files with style. It does the assigned job is quite efficient manner.

Read More  Fresh Tools of the Week [16th January – 22nd January]

4. Skrollr

Skrollr is a standalone parallax scrolling library for Android and iOS mobile and desktop. Its a plain JavaScript that helps transform, scale, skew and rotate the elements easily.

5. FieldKit

Fieldkit is a tool that provides real-time, text field formatting as users type. What it does is that it simplifies input formatting and creates superbly polished experience for users while outputting standardized data.

6. AMB1

MAB1 is an automatic mood board creator that lets users add images to a Dropbox folder and view them on the web instantly.

7. Pt

Wizkid of William Ngan, pt is an experimental library on point, form, and space. It is experimental and fun tool that allows you to create crazy, strange, awesome things.

8. Sketch Iconfont

Sketch Iconfont is a little plugin that can be used as icon fonts in Sketch. An ideal one for developers and designers to work on different projects.

9. 10000ft

Entitled 10,000ft Insights, it is a shared project space to help you visualize the content, ideas and decisions. Its a visual collaboration software that helps users in organizing their content and ideas. Besides, it ensures all perspectives are considered.

10. Jets.js

Its is a native CSS search engine created by Denis Lukov who is also the creator of Clusterize.js.

11. Gradients

Gradients is a CSS module that helps in quickly setting gradients with single purpose classes.

This is our first week when we have come up with such kind of post and we have planned to come up with such helpful stuff for our designer and developer friends in the coming days too. Keep yourself posted by connecting with us through various means as in social networking websites, subscribing to our blog, and bookmarking. Stay tuned in!

Read More  Fresh Tools of the Week [13th February – 19th February]
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