Google Plus pages provide you the best ever exposure to your business. No, we are not talking about the personal page you have on Google+, but a dedicated page representing your business. Whether your product, business, or even a website – just create a Google+ Page for your business and see how far does it take your business to. But, how to create Google+ Brand page? Here is how you can create your own Google brand page for your business.
How to Create Google Brand Page on Google Plus
This guide is an attempt at creating a Google Plus brand page. In fact, the procedure involved is not any rocket science either. We will present you the step by step guide to creating a Google+ brand page. But before that, it would be interesting to understand how a Google Plus account helps you achieve the milestones in your business.
In fact, your Google+ page for your brand works the same as a regular Google Plus page. You can share your updates, videos, images and other tidbits as you would do with your personal Google Plus page. You can add people to your Google brand page circles. Start a hangout and add people to your circles. However, you will not be able to follow those who do not follow you.
The feature will help you target almost all your customers and make them follow you and then follow them. You can choose your loyal clients and offer them discounts and special offers. It can work as the best follow back feature that you can make use of for your brand building exercise.
Stpes involved in creating a Google Brand Page
Creating a Google Brand Page is quite easy on Google Plus. Here is the step by step guide to achieve the task of creating a Google+ brand page for your business.
Visit the Google plus Create page
Click on Create Google+ Page
In the next screen, enter your brand name and then click on Create
Once done, go back and login to your Google Plus Profile.
Click on your profile image in the top right corner.
Click on the brand you just created. On the next page, look for Enable Google+ on the left side pane.
Confirm the option on the next page.
That does it. You have successfully created a Google Plus brand page.
What Are the Benefits of Creating a Google Brand Page
Well, just like your Facebook page – your Google+ brand page also lets you share videos and images. This will be helpful enough to handle a better degree of user engagement.
The Google Plus brand profile is the right way to do business. By the way, why do we need a Google Plus brand page? Let us check out why.
Social networking sites have been playing a major role in letting you get more exposure to your business. Of course, we have several social media networks that have been helpful in getting your business, or brand spread across horizons. Facebook, Twitter, Linked In – all those profiles have now been concentrating on the business point of view of using them for your benefit.
But, having said that, we cannot leave aside Google when we talk about search engines and their optimisation. Are we not clear? Combine Google as a search engine and Google as a social media network – and you will come to know what we want to communicate.
Whichever product you have, you need to have a channel for the purpose. Creating a website or a blog for your product or service is one part while creating a special page on the social media network is another. Your presence on social media is bound to give your brand a great push. Choosing Google Plus for the purpose is the right decision in that direction.
Online Marketing and Google+ Brand Page
Google+ brand page also helps you get better exposure when it comes to online marketing and online presence for your brand. How? Check out these advantages –
- The content published on Google+ is indexed almost instantly.
- Google Plus has a lot of communities that can be targeted with ease.
- If you are looking for targeted marketing techniques, Google+ is the best that can ever happen to you.
- Google Plus pages can be easily automated and thus it forms part of the best means of opting for targetted marketing.
Before We Conclude….
Well, we hope that the tutorial is best suited for all your attempts at building your brand. If you really want to build your brand, Google Plus is the right way to achieve it. Now that you are aware of how to handle the creation of Google Plus brand page, it should be quite easy to go with the task of getting better and valuable exposure to your blog.
Do let us know if you have any queries and issues with the concept of creating a Google+ brand page. We will make an all-out attempt at answering your questions.