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How to Enable Disable a Pop-Up Blocker Safari

How to EnableDisable Pop-Up Blocker on Safari

A pop up blocker on a website is indeed something you would find rather an impressive option for keeping those annoying ads at bay. However, there are times when you will find that the pop-up does not only contain the ads, but it also provides you with access to a few important options that you are looking for.

Of course, we do not recommend turning off the pop up blocker, but when there are needs to access the pop ups, you will need to understand how to enable pop up blocker on Safari and also find how to enable the pop up blocker.

How to Enable or Disable a pop up blocker on Safari?

Enabling or disabling pop up blocker on Safari will involve a different step on different devices. We will check out the steps on the different devices and operating systems and understand how to enable/disable a pop up blocker on Safari.

Why should you enable pop up blocker on Safari?

Enabling pop up blocker on Safari has several advantages. One of the prime advantages you would gain by enabling the pop up blocker lies in the fact that it helps you avoid the unwanted ads that disturb your flow of reading.

Some websites may use pop ups to serve unwanted codes and hacks to take control of your system. They may also contain links to certain apps that you would never install on your device. Enabling pop up blocker can help avoid those issues. You can disable the pop up blocker only when needed.

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How to disable pop up blocker on Safari on Mac

Follow the steps here to enable of disable pop up blocker on Safari on Mac –

  • Launch your Safari browser
  • On the top left corner, click on Safari
  • In the drop-down menu, click on Preferences.

disable pop up blocker on Safari on Mac

  • Once you are inside the Preferences menu, click on Security tab.
  • Locate the option for Web Content
  • Uncheck the option Block pop-up windows.

Block pop-up windows

If you are on macOS 12, 13 & 14, the settings have changed in the recent editions of macOS. Follow the steps here below to achieve the option to disable pop up blocker on Safari on your Mac device –

  • Launch Safari on your mac device.
  • Choose the options for Preferences from the drop-down menu as in the above method.
  • Locate the option for Websites at the top.
  • Locate the option for Pop up windows. You should find the option on the left side.
  • Locate the option for When visiting other websites, and pick any of the following options to enable or disable the pop up blocker
  1.                Block and notify
  2.                Block
  3.                Allow

    Yet another good option that can be helpful in enabling or disabling pop up blocker can include making use of the following steps through Terminal.

  • Launch Utilities
  • Open Terminal app
  • If you want to enable pop up blocker, type in the following commands in the Terminal window.

defaults write com.apple.Safari com.apple.Safari.ContentPageGroupIdentifier.WebKit2JavaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically -bool true

  • To disable the pop up blocker, you can enter the following commands in the terminal window.
    defaults write com.apple.Safari

com.apple.Safari.ContentPageGroupIdentifier.WebKit2JavaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically -bool false

  • Press ENTER to save the changes that you have made.

How to disable pop up blocker on Safari on PC?

Here are the steps involved in how to disable the pop up blocker on safari on PC –

  • Launch Safari on your PC
  • On the top right, choose Settings. You should ideally find it in the form of a cogwheel or gear.
  • From the drop-down option, pick the option Block Pop-Up Windows.

Block Pop-Up Windows

How to disable pop up blocker on Safari on iOS?

Disabling the pop up blocker on Safari on iOS device should be extremely simple and easy to follow –

  • Launch your iOS Settings
  • Tap on Safari from among the available options.
  • Locate the General section for safari
  • Locate the option for Block pop ups
  • Toggle it to turn it off. In essence, you have disabled the option to block pop up blocker, which in turn means you have a disabled pop blocker.

disable pop up blocker on Safari on iOS

The Concluding Thoughts

Well, the steps listed here should help you understand how to enable/disable a pop up blocker on Safari. The steps explained here should ideally help you pick the best options to achieve the best experience in handling your Safari pop up blocker in a very enhanced manner.


Q1) How do you turn off pop up blocker on Safari?

Allowing pop up blocker on Safari is extremely simple and easy no matter which platform r operating system you are on. On Mac OS, you can do it through your Preferences tab on your Safari settings. There is a little difference between how you can do it on Mac OS 10 or 11 and the other latest versions.

Q2) Why do ads keep popping up on Safari?

Certain Android apps or even other apps, or even a few websites push annoying ads as a means of monetisation. While the on page ads may be fine, pop ups can be extremely annoying and disturb your reading experience.

Q3) Why should you enable pop up blocker on Safari?

First things first, pop up ads are annoying. They disturb your reading experience to a huge extent. In certain cases, some obnoxious websites can push unwanted content to your device through pop ups. A few other types of dangers lurking in the form of pop ups can include hacking and other attempts at stealing your data. Those reasons should ideally justify why you should enable pop up blocker.

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